LCC Membership

We are now seeking old students to become founding members of Standing Stone Village. These members will join and provide capital contributions to the Standing Stone Village LLC. The LLC will act as the developer of the subdivision, will oversee the construction of the infrastructure and homes. The LLC will also handle the sale of homes. 

As part of this work, the LLC will engage with the future residents to create designs for the homes and common facilities along with creating the framework and legal documents for the homeowners association. The capital contributions along with loans from a bank will fund the construction of the infrastructure and the homes.

Members of the LLC will have the ability to apply their capital contribution to the purchase of a lot. Members will also be given priority in lot selection and sold lots at a discounted price. Members that wish to just support the project, will have their capital contributions returned through the proceeds from the home sales. 

The homes will be built in phases with the initial phase targeted for completion in June of 2021. A second phase will be set for completion in the following one or two years. Subsequent phases will be planned depending on demand from future residents. All phases are contingent on having future residents that are committed to purchasing the homes, once the construction is completed.

For more information please fill out the contact form via the button below.