January 2021 Update
Welcome to Standing Stone Village! — New entry drive.
Rough Grading Completed; Phase 1 Building to Start this Summer; Homes ready as early as Summer 2022!
This is just a quick update on significant news from Standing Stone. We now have twelve members in the LLC of which four will be building homes in the first phase of development which begins this summer!
While this meets our minimum requirements to fund the first phase, the more homes we can develop together in this initial phase, the lower the cost will be for everyone down the road. Therefore please help getting the word out to potentially interested old students!
With the grading for the individual building lots complete, the focus has moved to completing the floor plans and working with engineers on the design of the electrical, water and sewage treatment systems. A core community of initial investors and residents has gathered and given input on preliminary floor plans, unit sizes, and more. We will continue to join together so we can start to work on the policies for the home owner’s association and plan shared facilities. Our current timeline is to begin construction drawings in March and actual construction could begin as soon as June.
Aerial view of the building lots and driveways
Many old students could be looking to live near a center in a dhamma community, supporting the center and each other’s practice in a scenic tranquil environment that is becoming more fire resilient every year. Help us spread the word, by sending the following email to your old students friends.
We appreciate your help!
Message to Old Students
Subject Line: A Message for Serious Old Students
Dear friends,
The first phase of building is about to begin at Standing Stone Village -- a cohousing development just a short drive (or long walk!) from Dhamma Mahavana in North Fork, CA. Please visit standingstonevillage.org to learn about the project and see photos and updates in our blog.
We are happy to announce the grading for the buildings has now been completed and a sufficient number of LLC members will be building their units as soon as this June, which means we will have residents as early as the following Summer 2022. This core community of initial investors has gathered and discussed preliminary floor plans, unit sizes, and more. We will continue to join together so we can start to plan shared facilities and more.
Some key points are:
We are looking for both future residents and those that wish to support the project financially.
The more folks that build early, the more cost effective it will be for all current and future LLC members
This is an exciting phase to be part of because it is a blank slate we are creating together. It’s not to be missed. The deadline to begin building a home this year is coming up in just a few months.
An introductory presentation on the project will be held on January 17th, at 6:00 pm PST via zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 713 7128 9724
Passcode: y3nhjC
If you are unable to attend the meeting or would like to talk about the project 1 on 1, please contact Craig Rublee via email at craig.rublee@standingstonevillage.org.
May we grow in Dhamma together,
Standing Stone Village LLC